Recently, teachers have become concerned that many students are using AI to cheat, hindering the student’s learning. Many students admit that they have used AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to finish their assignments or to get feedback on them. The question remains, however, whether or not using AI in school is beneficial or even ethical. Though it may have some benefits, for the most part, it seems that the use of AI tools in school is doing more harm than good for students.

One of the main reasons as to why many disagree with the use of AI in school is that it limits students’ ability to improve themselves independently. Many students use AI tools to analyze their writing, providing them with feedback on grammar and writing style. Instead of students learning these things themselves, they are asking artificial intelligence to complete their work for them. While this may improve their grades in the short-term, in the end, using AI will not benefit them as they are not learning anything.

Another thing to note is that artificial intelligence does not always provide accurate information. In school, kids find it easier to get information from AI rather than doing research themselves. However, at this given time, information produced from AI is not 100% accurate. ChatGPT, for example, even gives a warning prior to use that it “may occasionally generate incorrect information” and could “produce harmful instructions or biased content.” The claims that AI is a reliable learning tool for students are false, as the information and the “learning” it provides could potentially be incorrect.

Lastly, the use of AI for school assignments is cheating and plagiarism. According to a recent survey, even 51% of college students believe this to be the case as well. Some may argue that using AI to write assignments is not plagiarism since nobody’s original work is being copied. However, it’s not the student’s original work either. If a student asked one of their friends to write an essay for them and handed it in, that would be considered cheating. When put into perspective, this is not much different from that person using AI to finish their assignments. When a teacher assigns work, they expect that the students do it themselves, and most would not want to be marking a robot’s work.

For many teachers, it is sad to see their students refuse to sharpen their skills at school. Instead, they ask an AI chatbot to complete it for them. They misuse these learning tools, interfering with their ability to learn. Students need to know the disadvantages of AI and develop skills independently through dedication and practice. How else will today’s generation be ready for the future?


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