Table Tennis Players from North Park Secondary School headed to Turner Fenton to play in the tournament only to lose nearly every game.

Approximately a month ago, students from North Park Secondary School, who were fortunate enough to be a part of the table tennis team, battled against other table tennis experts in Brampton. A small school came from Caledon to participate in this event as well. This goes to show just how important this table tennis tournament is for high schools in The Region Of Peel. The competition took place at Turner Fenton SS. North Park faced off against several schools including Cardinal Leger, Central Peel, Chinguacousy, and Bramelea. 

With Mr. Shelly being the table tennis coach, the team consisting of approximately 23 students in total, embarked on a journey to the tournament located at Turner Fenton on the 27th of February. After leaving the school at 8 AM, the team was transported to the school using several cabs that were paid for by the school. 

The tournament was held in the school’s gym, and had several ping-pong tables prepared for the students’ arrival. 

Several schools including North Park had a very short amount of time to practice due to a shortage of tables. It was a first come first serve basis, hence any group of students who claimed the table first could practice on it for as long as they’d like until the tournament officially began. Many players thought this to be unfair and were upset since most players were expecting a table reserved for them. 

As the games began, North Park table tennis team members walked down to the table tennis courts with enthusiasm as they were called down to play. According to a few players on the team, only two junior double teams won their first games. One boys junior double and one girls junior double. The rest of the players unfortunately lost their first games and would lose their second game thus resulting in a complete loss. The competition was fierce and well-trained. Opposing schools also had an advantage since they came to Turner Fenton earlier and had more time to practice while North Park didn’t.

Coach Shelly was very dignified in handling the losses of his players. He remained positive and supportive despite facing difficult circumstances since his team performed below expectations. Many of North Park’s table tennis players are determined to perform better next year, hopefully winning many more games than they did in this tournament.

All in all, the players had a positive time during this tournament and enjoyed it immensely. The tournament did result in disappointed players, our school and the minority of people interested in the sport. However, players learned a lot from this tournament and enjoyed the day thoroughly. In the end, players are looking forward to competing in next year’s tournament as well.


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