On June 1st, 2024, North Park Secondary School hosted its very own Coachella, without the passing out from intense heat or dehydration. 

First off, North Park students were given a complimentary car wash by the Black Diamonds team near the front entrance as soon as they arrived. All students were then led to the back of the school. Now, of course, there weren’t people swinging from ropes, a personal art studio, or an energy playground like in California, but we were grateful to have an awesome basketball competition, a huge bouncy castle tournament that probably led to shoes being stolen, and of course, pictures being taken by professional photographers. Of course, by professional photographer I mean our one and only Ryan Sirisena.

Now we can’t forget the amazing food trucks, which is the main reason most students attended in the first place. The back of the school was filled with several trucks, all offering a variety of food and water, something that Coachella should probably take note of. There were tacos, poutine, and desserts varying from ice cream to waffles covered with some chocolate. It was heaven! Oh, and let us not forget the free freezies and refreshing lemonade given out by our amazing student council president, Maryrose Rimando, who helped plan this event. 

Finally, we were presented with a music and dance showcase to end the great evening. What is a festival without some impressive talent? Regretfully, compared to Coachella, we had to turn down offers from Sabrina Carpenter, Olivia Rodrigo, Kanye West, and Beyoncé in favour of our North Park kids, who did not disappoint! There were some intense Bhangra, old Bollywood mixes, singing and, of course, two band performances at the very end! Who needs Maneskin when we have the North Park Music Council performing!

Unfortunately, we were unable to pitch tents and extend the festival for a few more days as the night drew to a close. But hey, there’s always next year! This might be a stretch, but perhaps the following year, if we dress up in more extravagant outfits, we can knock down US Coachella and become #1. Until then, thank you to all who attended the event and have a wonderful summer!


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