With the arrival of spring, students at North Park celebrated and danced at the Spring Fling on May 17th. With exams fast approaching, the Spring Fling offered students one last chance to dance, eat, and socialize.

The highlight of the event was the dancing. Students could line up and queue their favourite songs for the DJ to play. The result was a unique blend of lively and upbeat songs and the occasional slow and methodical song to dance with your special person. The music also reflected the diversity of cultures at North Park, as many songs from different languages were played, such as English, Punjabi, and Hindi music.

As the sun set, students were left tired and their voices sore from all the yelling and singing, but they were also filled with memories of the thrilling night they had just experienced. Organizing an event of this scale is a challenge and students are encouraged to give a thank you to the organizers, as well as Principal Boutros, for a fantastic night.


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