Dueling Editorials

  • Beyond Dates and Facts: The Transformative Role of Teaching History in Schools

    Beyond Dates and Facts: The Transformative Role of Teaching History in Schools

    Did you know that Canada was the birthplace of insulin, a life-saving treatment for diabetes discovered by Dr. Frederick Banting and Charles Best in 1921? This groundbreaking discovery has saved millions of lives worldwide and it all started with two Canadian scientists who were once students trying to get through school. Understanding this monumental achievement… Read more

  • Rethinking the Importance of Teaching History

    Rethinking the Importance of Teaching History

    Why do figures throughout time insist on the importance of learning history? What benefits does learning the past truly hold for school courses of the modern era? I’m not saying history isn’t important, or that it should be ignored. Still, I feel the way we approach it in our educational system and as a society… Read more

  • Permanent Residency for The Geese

    Permanent Residency for The Geese

    Many Canadians believe that geese are blood-curdling savages that want to rip everyone into shreds. They kind of are but, for the following reasons, they should still be granted permanent residence at North Park. To start, they provide some sense of entertainment! Recently, the geese have been noted for attacking students who have been disturbing… Read more

  • Geese Don’t Belong at North Park!

    Geese Don’t Belong at North Park!

    If you’ve had the displeasure of walking through the courtyard anytime since the start of April, you have encountered the goose nested upon her eggs and potentially the male defending the nest. The courtyard is a major walkway for those who have classes on either side of the commons and these geese have made walking… Read more

  • The Case for Pierre Poilievre

    The Case for Pierre Poilievre

    The Canadian political space is wound up in complicated and often confusing intricacies, practices and legalese, so where would one even start to try and educate oneself on such a large and ever-expansive topic? Well, to get a big picture understanding of Canadian politics, you must know two important people: the leaders of the Liberal… Read more

  • Poilievre will not serve the interests of Canadians

    Poilievre will not serve the interests of Canadians

    Pierre Poilievre, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, has been making strides towards the position of Prime Minister of Canada. With all the resentment against Justin Trudeau that has been brewing in many Canadians for the past few years, Poilievre will not have a hard time winning the next election. In fact, according… Read more

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